Wednesday, July 8, 2009
When the school recruited students to volunteer for NDP Cheerleading performance, the first thing i had in mind was the job of a motivator, the one who interacts with the crowd and public, teaching the crowd dance moves etc. However, it was not how I expected to be. NDP Cheerleading is not about performing in front of the smaller group of people in the area that you are assigned to, but to everyone there in the crowd. This definitely make me nervous.
I am glad that i persevered till the big day, even though there were many occasions that I had compromise other duties to turn up for the trainings. When the training was though in the beginning, the thought of quitting and pulling out came into my mind very often. However, my friends and teachers encouraged me not to. With the encouragement and that i did not want to disappoint others, i stayed on, and I am glad that I did.
On the actual day, the weather was not on our side. We had to be extremely careful as it started to drizzle once it was our turn to perform. The floors were slippery and we cannot afford to slip or back out. The stage was ours for barely 5 minutes (but the training took around 4mths) and yet, each of us gave in our best. The regular trainings on saturdays paid off and we put on a specticular show for the nation.
After the entire NDP 2008, i realised that my saturdays became empty, as we no longer need to attend trainings. This made me realised how much time and effort we all had put in.
In conclusion, the entire event is a fruitful learning journey for me, and i am sure that i am not the only person who has benefited from it.
Love, Yunni (08S06)
Sunday, March 8, 2009
NDP 2008, an event i will never forget
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
My wonderful experience
However, fate brought me to this issue again when my friend offer me poiletly whether would i want to join the ndp cheerleading programme together. I hesitated for a moment. i wanted to reject the offer but could not bring myself to turn down the offer since it was ask very sincerely with very much hope. Not to disappoint my good friend ,i decided to give in for once without much enthusiasium.
Very much to my surprise, cheerleading is not as tough as i thought it to be. It was fun and soon my enthusiasium level got up with every practises. Every expereince is different in every practise, though the steps are the same. i got to learn new skills, make new friends and experience what is't like to perform on stage with thousands of crowd. I truly enjoy myself in throughout the cheerleading event, especially the moment on stage was super.
I hope that there will be a second chance next time and i look forward to joining such event again. Many complaint that training hours are long but trust me, it all worth it. Last of all, i want to thank the friend that pull me into cheerleading, all the new friends that i made, all the instructors that always try to be patient with us and all their guidance and our teacher in-charge who always pamper us with delicious food, great support and doing her best to make all these a successful and wonderful experience for me and everybody in the tpjc ndp cheerleading 2008.
Regards, Chan Pei Rong o8A01.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Every practice was a chore for me as i regretted each time for getting myself involved in cheerleading.The only consoling matter was that my SGC would not be empty. However it was during the real NDP performance, did i realise the full impact of it all .
I was in a blank state of mind as i saw thousands of eyes watching the show.But as soon as i got onto the platform, the feeling of anxiety vanished instantly. Before i knew it, i was out in the open doing my moves.
The satisfaction that i gained from the whole journey was truly sufficient as i learnt how to perservere practising under the scorching sun and found out the power of my mental strength. It has taught me to prioritise my work as i tried balancing my studies and cheerleading. This journey has indeed been a meaningful and fruitful one for me and i m glad that i was part of it.
~shamaani 08A04~
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
When we're done with admiring the outcome, don't forget about the the journey. (:
Honestly speaking, I was invited to join the NDP cheerleaders as my council friend told me that he needed more people to join. At that point of time, I didn't know that I was going to substitute his place as a cheerleader. During the first practice, I felt completely lost in the sea of TPJCians who had friends to accompany them throughout this ordeal. Hence, it was absolutely hard to enjoy the earlier trainings. My anti-social nature only made it more difficult for me to interact with the more enthusiastic cheerleaders. I started to dread trainings and pushed myself by telling myself that it would all end soon.
However, as time passed, I made friends with the friendlier bunch of the cheerleaders. I guess it's hard not to make any friends when you meet them so many times in the week, especially with the weekly saturday practices. The NDP trainings also allowed me to catch up my PAE friends from Anderson Junior College (AJC) as well as some of my friends from Victoria Junior College (VJC). The main point I want to emphasize on is that NDP cheerleading did more that just help me make friends. It essentially chipped off a layer of my anti-social shell that hindered my social life. After going through the NDP experience, I found it slightly easier to talk to people and make friends with them - a skill that will definetely serve me well in the future.
In a nutshell, I really enjoyed this experience and I want to thank everyone who was a part of my journey. As for the teachers who put their time into watching over us, I really appreciated the effort and the encouragement. NDP Cheerleading 2008 is an experience that will always be etched in my heart like an indelible tatoo. Thanks for everything guys. :D
-- Jeremiah Tan
Monday, January 26, 2009
NDP 2008 !
Initally, we faced alot of drawbacks but i am glad that we still perserve on and did our best in every training sessions. I am always fascinated by the performances put up by experienced cheerleaders and the gorgeous attire they had. But, the sad thing is- our school didnt have cheerleading as a CCA. So once i heard about ndp cheerleading 2008- i signed up without having a 2nd thought as i knew that i did not make a wrong choice. Indeed, i never regret at all for joining it. Not only it will make our SGC look nicer but also, the things learnt from it- perservance, teamwork and hardwork.
sAmAntha 08s08-
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Memories of NDP
The thought of waiting for our to participate, munching the food provided and watching the Singapore Flyer is really memorable. When all the students cheered together, i felt the feeling of unity and teamwork. As i was one of the flyers being carried, i experienced a great feeling. Its really scary to see the audience at the floating platform while being carried. But i was very proud of myself that i even lifted my chin slightly very proudly. Come to think about it, NDP has also taught me how to manage my time well.
NDP Reflections- Jethro Low
But it is useless to follow your own heart if you do not put in 'due dilligence'. This is also what I learnt from cheerleading. The multiple trainings sometimes dragged for hours on end and it also required me to sacrifice my weekends. The whether also caused much irritation. At times it would be blazing hot and at other times it would pour. Having to perservere through the tough trainings and the whether, and having to put in commitment and sacrifice, made me understand the true value of discipline.
The third thing that I learnt is to enjoy the process. The many friendships and bonds I had forged with the other cheerleaders will always be treasured. The memories and experiences of this event will always be precious to me and will be close to my heart. Even as life goes on its rapid pace, this memory will serve as sweet perfume- one that is pleasant and nolstalgic.
I believe life is also like the NDP cheerleading. By following your own heart, having discipline and enjoying the whole process, one can definately put up a spectacular show- one that makes life worth the living, just like what we delivered on national day.
What NDP gave me.
Indeed it was a great priviledge to be able to contribute to my country.
NDP 2008 gave me new friends, new experiences and especially appreciation for Singapore.
After all the hardwork, the fireworks made it altogether worthwhile.
Rachel Oh 08S29
Liying's Reflections - NDP Cheerleading 2008
MOE's policy to instill National Education and moral values in the local students allowed me to gain some basic knowledge of Singapore's history. Having witnessed several years of NDP, I can clearly see the hardwork put in by the National Day Parade. Each year after the NDP ends, the committee begins planning for the following year's parade. This shows how much pride and significance are placed in the NDP. From the perspective of a Singaporean student, I feel that National Day is a day where we can explicitly express our love for the country and sincerely treasure our place as a Singaporean. Also, it is a day when we look back at the past achievements of our nation, unite and work together towards a better Singapore.
As a child, I have envied the performers and committee of the NDP. To be able to take part in the NDP was purely a dream for me. My dream came true when Ms Tan was recruiting cheerleaders from JC 1. Being involved in NDP allowed me to experience how it is like to spend Saturdays rehearsing, sweating it out and going all out to achieve one common aim, to fufill our part in the NDP. However, this is not just any regular performance. The whole Singapore is watching us. Skills and precision in moves and steps would not be enough. It is the passion, sincerity and energy of the cheerleaders which will touch the hearts of the audience. I learnt that we should always have an open mind to learning and strive hard in whatever we do.
In addition, I have made many new friends throughout the numerous months of training. We shared joy, tears and laughter. The determination on our friends' faces spurred us on, never to give up and coordinate with one another. Teamwork is undeniably an important factor here. Once we are clear of our goal, we should do what it takes and achieve it. The obstacles and challenges would be overcome eventually if we have set our mind to it.
Next, the NDP acts as a platform to unite Singapore, where Singaporeans dress up in red and white, wave the national flags and sing the theme songs in unison. They may not know each other but they are fellow Singaporeans, coming together to celebrate the independence of their nation. Also, NDP reminds the community to remember their roots as a Singaporean and gives them a sense of belonging.
All in all, NDP not only involves the performers and organizing committee but the entire Singapore. I sincerely wish everyone can come together, express their love for their homeland and work hand in hand towards a better Singapore!
Liying 08A01
Daryl's Reflection from 08S31
After seeing so little people signed up, I was quite disappointed. Some of them left after the first briefing since they saw what are they going to wear on stage. I felt sad for them since not only the lost the chance to learn something new, they lost the chance to serve in a national event. It is a rare chance for me to perform in front of the whole nation. I was very proud of myself.
I looked forward to every session of training as I will get to go so much cool stuff. But at times I do feel very tired as the training ended quite late.
When our rehearsals shifted to the floating platform, I looked forward to every saturday even more. With all the new friends I made, I get to performed to different groups of people before the actual event. Even my parents came to see.
Cheerleading taught me about team spirit. In order for a formation to take place nicely, everyone must put in the effort to attend the trainings or rehearsals. Everyone in the group must know their steps very well so that nothing will go wrong. The power of a team is very strong if every individual plays their part.
I never regret taking part in this national event. It is my first time doing this and if I have the chance again, I will like to take part again.
Monday, January 19, 2009
so so many people. Believe me you, no amount of words can summarize that kind of feeling till you
personally experience it yourself. That kind of feeling is unbelievable.
Initially, when I first started out, I was quite hesitant about it. Cheerleading was never my kind of thing. I’m sure many of you guys felt that way too. But as the days and the weeks went by and we started having trainings, we all made new friendships, learning new things, discovered things about one another. That was what made the journey of the whole Ndp really memorable and meaningful.
Being one of the base for the human pyramid, I learnt that teamwork was really important. If one person were to make a mistake, the whole team suffers.
On the 9th of august, waiting to make our entrance on stage for the very last time, it suddenly hit me that this was the last time that we would be up there performing the routine. I don’t know about the rest, but after spending almost every Saturday at the floating platform with friends I had somehow grown attached to the routine. And when i didn't have to go down to the floating platform the next saturday, it felt weird.
Although our last performance on national day meant that our time as Ndp cheerleaders had come to an end. It made me feel really proud to be a Singaporean(:
I truly believe that what we have learnt from this awesome experience was priceless and it was certainly most worthwhile.
lots of love,
Memories of a Lifetime
Though at first i was rather reluctant to join the team because of the tight schedule, i changed my mind after seeing all my friends who were joining as well. And the fact that we were going to perform on a floating platform for the only time in our lives was another factor that changed my mind! It was definitely an opportunity not to be missed as i'm sure many would never have another chance.
I will never forget the friendship ties forged during all the rehearsals. All the laughing, gossiping,heh, and all the fun filled activities we did in the bus, oh and plus the food, they were all memorable to me.Though they took up a lot of time, it sure helped me to persevere as i had to struggle to juggle my studies, CCA and the ndp rehearsals. But overall i think it was worth the effort as at the end of the day, after every rehearsal, i could taste the satisfaction from all the hard work.
Not forgetting all the teachers and our coaches, who had helped us get through the rehearsals pain-stakingly. I think it was the best time i have ever had serving the nation as well as making the school proud by representing TPJC in the parade. It was definitely a memorable experience for me as i think it would be for all of us.
I wish we could have another ndp performance!
I miss all of you ndp people!
Love, Munirah :)
Jake's Reflections
Eventually, i realised NDP Cheerleading did not turn out so bad. Through it, i have forged many new friendships, strengthen many existing ones. And i really enjoyed the company of these friends as they make every single training sessions fun!
Another best takeaway i had from this NDP Cheerleading is the organisation of such a huge event. I have longed dream of seeing how such large scale event is organised. Therefore, it was an eyeopener for me. I will never forget this once in the lifetime experience.
This NDP Cheerleading has been a tough but fun experience for all. It has taught me to be open-minded and dare to try.
NDP Cheerleading '08
I have to admit that I was disappointed when many of the cheerleaders went missing and did not attend the first few trainings. I really thought that we would not be able to put up a good show upon seeing the poor response and our attendance which was never full, be it at Bedok Camp or Marina Bay itself. We had a tough time having everyone in the team to co-operate at first.
However, with constant support and encouragement from the rest of the cheerleaders, I believe that everyone,or at least almost all, gradually became more enthusiastic in performing our stunts and motions at the Marina Bay platform. We started practising hard as a team to get our steps right to put up a good show for the audience.
As friendships were forged, the team became bonded and our team spirit showed off during the performances. We became closer as a team and most importantly, we enjoyed ourselves during our waiting time at The Flyer as well as backstage(the last time waiting backstage was awesome!). Although it was a tad bit nerve-wrecking to perform in front of hundreds of thousands of people at the platform, I had this overwhelming feeling of accomplishment, joy and pride. Our efforts paid off and I could see that everyone was just enjoying themselves during the last performance on the 9th of August 2008. That was all that matters-this was what Cheerleading was all about.
Truth be told,after the whole Cheerleading was over, I kinda miss those times we spent preparing for the performance. I cherish the moments spent and the friends made through cheerleading.
This would not have happened without the rest of the 40 cheerleaders and also Ms Tan. (:
With that, I thank you guys from the bottom of my heart for making NDP Cheerleading 2008 a memorable one.
Nurul Aisyah
Unique Experience
NDP 2008 Cheerleading had helped me experience what it felt like to be one of the National STAR. I managed to get that feeling of thousand eyes laying upon me and I just felt proud. Also, the event had gave me new friends. I managed to bond with people whom I would have not know if this event did not happen. Also, cheerleading showed me that I can let my heart out and cheer for something that I feel proud of. This gave me confidence when I was thinking of becoming an Orientation Group Leader. Finally, I realised that some things that seems weird in life could have great outcome. When I joined at first, I was not sure of what I was doing. All I know was that I was helping a friend as she could not make it and that I was merely a substitute. It felt awkward too as cheerleading was to supposed to be for girls as I have seen in TV. However, I didn't give up and everything went well.
It benefited the community as it showed to the public that even JC students, no matter how much work load they have, can still put up a performance in National Day. It also gave them a fun time watching too!!!
P.S. I agree with Najiy, I want to watch our video too.
John Anthony Garcia (J.A.G)
Memories never forgotten (:
While crowds at Marina Bay jostled to catch the National Day Parade along the overhead bridges and home viewers catch the live telecast of the NDP at the comfort of their homes, I experience this national spectacle in a different light this year; as a participant- a cheerleader for the prologue for the parade.
I remembered clearly how we interacted with our schoolmates during our break times; asking what is the next step to this sequence or just reminding each other to stay focus. Such small little acts built up a better team spirit among us, so that we could better understand each other and even communicate 'secretly' during the parade itself, if need be.
Rehearsals after rehearsals we finally managed to put up a good show on the 9th August. What thousands of Singaporeans see was just a spectacular parade. Some people might not even know the significance of it, some just stay at home to watch TV and take it as a day off, but I guess when you are in the middle of the stadium and looking up and seeing that everyone cheering, you realize that it is really a day to remember
I’ve learnt that showing we care for
Who better to teach this than youth like ourselves?
Being involved in NDP for the first time made me realise how much effort and time the performers actually put into making the actual performance. The pressure of expecting perfection, the high standards which made me realise the importance of aiming high, the importance of every single performer in a formation. It gave me many new insights about what performing is actually like behind the scences.
Being in a sports CCA, i knew little about how my fellow schoolmates from the performing arts actually prepare for their performance. The stress, nervousness, all which would turn a good performance into a bad one within seconds. Whereas in a sport we are able to cope with it physically, in a performing art the stress is really all mental. Our community needs to see the energy of the youths in our country and the vibrance we are able to add to our society.
The cheers, the feeling of facing the audience, the encouragement given by other participants. All these in our Singapore spirit, something i would want to sense again. A truly unforgettable experience, i am extremely glad that i had volunteered to be part of it.
I do want to take part in NDP in the future if given the opportunity.
Melvin Tan
Sunday, January 18, 2009
It was disappointing in the first place when you see little students turning up for practices till the point that you feel like giving up as well. However things changed for the better and it was fun knowing fellow tpjcians through the practices at Bedok Camp or Floating Bay. I'm really thankful for this opportunity given by the school. The feeling was awesome when everybody put in so much effort and hear the applause and cheering from the audience. Although our performance was not broadcast on television, but those applause gave us a sense of satisfaction and recognition. That sense of achievement is indescribable. This is where we feel all our hardwork is worth it.
I've definitely gained more inisghts about NDP as this is the first time i'm participating. As for cheerleading, the cheerleaders have really inspired me. Given another opportunity, i'd be glad to participate or even volunteer myself again for both NDP and cheerleading.
With love,
2008 will be a memorable year to me. As much as I have been watching NDP for my past 17 years, being part of it in 2008 marks a different in my life. From now, NDP will be more than just a parade and National Day means much more than a holiday, it will be celebrated because I am a Singaporean and I want to be one. For this, 2008 NDP will always be remembered in my heart and never be forgotten, just like I will never forget that I am a Singaporean.
Han Pei Yan
I must say that I am very glad that I stayed on until the very end as it was all worth it. The countless sessions of us coming together with a common purpose of perfecting our steps paid off when I heard the loud cheers and applause coming from the crowd on National Day itself. The feeling of belonging to the country and being able to do my own small part in celebrating the birth of our country just caused a sense a pride to swell up in my chest. I have faithfully watched the NDP celebrations on television every year but never did I know how much effort and resources were being placed into it until I joined this event.
I had much to gain from this experience such as working together as a team with others as well as the many friendships that were forged. I am thankful of being presented with such an opportunity and these wonderful memories will forever be etched into my mind.
Sarah Quek
NDP not only bring me joy but had also surprised me. I had never dream that I will dance in my life, but participating in NDP was my first time to dance. The one thing which I cherish in NPD is friendship. I am very happy that I have made a lot of friends in NDP, not only from our school but also from other schools. Not only was our welfare in NDP training was taken care of, our studies was also taken care of. Our NPD teachers who are on duty have always offered their help to us.
Lastly, I would like to thanks all the trainers, participants and teachers who have put in countless effort.
Shi hui

The involvement in NDP has taught us many things beyond our textbooks- our strengths and weaknesses, values. A performance would not have been made possible without teamwork, punctuality, responsibilities and the encouragement from all the team mates. :) The love, concern and patience that our teachers and instructors have showered us are very much appreciated too. It is all these little things that have made NDP 2008 such a memorable one.
When i saw the online announcement made in our school, that they were recruiting cheerleaders for NDP 2008, i was truly fascinated. Though I've never join in any kind of cheerleading before, it have been something that i am interested in and have a passion for, since years ago. Thus, this is a hard to come by golden opportunity for me. What's more was that i got the chance to participate in the NDP performance, even though it might just be a pre-parade performance. Hence, i signed up with my friends.
Practices and rehearsals were really tiring and tough, and since a few of us live rather far from school, we always reached home really late and left little time for homework(and often burn midnight oil in the process). But it is a learning experience for us, in a way too, as it helped me to realise the importance of time management and and get to learn how to utilise my time to the fullest. And this also help us be mentally prepared for the society, as this might be how's working life going to be and maybe even considered as nothing of a big deal, compared to the life of a working adult. Furthermore, through these trainings, practices and rehearsals, i get to meet lots of new people, making new friends in the process.
To be honest, i indeed encountered a little "setback" for me in the event, tears and sadness overcome me are unavoidable, but i faced it bravely, without making a fuss out of it or decided to quit (like some did). And at the end of the day, i realise it was perhaps, a blessing in disguise, as in the event, i actually get to learn more stunts than my fellow cheerleading mates, such as stunt like being a "flyer", "base" etc. And through this, it's a teaching that life is never a bed of roses, ups and downs are part n parcels of life. Only if we are determined enough, we are then able to survive the ordeal, and after that, we can be a better person for tomorrow. Hence, i strongly agree that through NDP cheerleading, it taught and instilled us with values such as resilience, perseverance, determination and teamwork.
All in all, NDP cheerleading was a wonderfully fond memory to me. Sweat and perhaps tears were also shed in the event, but after all, i guess i never regret joining, staying(even though friends who joined with me quited after 1 practice), and persevered on. And on a lighter note, i really thanks our trainer Ken and his assistance (sorry to have forgot your name), from Temasek Polytechnic(TP) cheerleading team, to teach us, guide us and helping us perfect our moves, and making the process enjoyable and happening; Ms Tan for all her time and effort and monetary support given; all the other teachers n staff, who had accompanied us to some of our trainings and rehearsals; and not forgetting Ms Choo, who decided to accept the invitation to participate in the NDP 2008 performance. Without all the people mentioned, and of course my fellow simply wonderful cheerleading mates, this will never be made possible. A BIG THANK YOU to everyone! *11 claps* =))
would sure to treasure these moments,
xinwei =_^
In The Months Of Tough Trainings
Even so, I had never thought that I would join NDP cheerleading till my friend got me to join with her. Though she could not stay, I did not regret staying till the end. The training were tough especially when most of us knew nothing about cheerleading. The dance moves and the stunts had been quite a challenge. From the trainings, I learnt to persevere on despite the tough trainings. Another thing is teamwork as any mistake made would be very obvious to the audiences. Not only that, the sense of belonging made me even more sure that I did not regret.
Even so, the most amazing part of the whole training is to be able to see how everyone come together and worked towards a common goal. It feels great to be able to make new friends and go through tough trainings with them. It is the friendship and the teamwork that allowed all of us to work till the end. Adding to it, the most exciting part of the whole thing is on 9 August, National day! All of us were ready and all of us were excited! Just when the music came and the curtains drew open, I could hear myself screaming with my friends as we dashed out onto the stage. I had never felt that kind of excitement before and I strongly believe that we had done a great job in bringing joy to the audiences!
Special thanks to all the trainers and teachers. Also, many thanks to MsTan for being with us and supporting us all the time. Most importantly, thanks to all of you! It had been great! I am glad that I joined NDP cheerleading.
If given another chance, I will still join again!
Ee Teng
Saturday, January 17, 2009
One People, One Nation, One Singapore
By: Saheera Mohamed Razeek (08S04)
Being a beginner, I had zero knowledge of cheerleading. Through the countless rehearsals, I managed to learn a couple of cheerleading moves like the high V and the star jump. Besides that, I also learnt the importance of teamwork and to cooperate with the other cheerleaders. Though there were some upsetting moments, they surely were paid off by the great sense of achievement gained at the end of the day. Hearing the crowd cheer together with us and the standing ovation given after the performance was a wonderful feeling. I've never felt so fulfilled before. And for the first time, I felt a great sense of belonging to Singapore.
It has been an amazing experience from which I had learned a lot. An experience that may only come once in a lifetime. And I'm thankful I was given the chance.
Love always,
Farisya Jamal
NDP 2008 [=
Friday, January 16, 2009
NDP Cheerleading 2008
I was really honored to have the opportunity to take part in the National Day Parade. On 9th August 2008, I have never felt so patriotic. We were all cheering out hearts out, striving to perfect our moves; it was a great day, the “groove” mood was on and we certainly owned the performance. The last second of it all ended with the hard-core cheering and applause by the viewers; with a wide smile on our faces and boy we were so proud of ourselves for that wonderful performance.
I have gained a lot from this awesome experience. I have learnt how to be a more responsible and committed person, learnt how to juggle between studies and extra-curricular activities, learnt how to forge bonds between new people, learnt how to socialize better with others. And most importantly, I have learnt to treasure my identity as a Singaporean. There’s nowhere else I’d rather be. (Though the stress level is way high here and sometimes you feel like breaking free from reality of it all… Really, you wouldn’t wish to leave this place where all your loved ones and friends are.)
NDP Cheerleading 2008 – the memories, the friends, the sacrifices made and time spent on the numerous rehearsals – will stay at the back of my mind, forever.
With love,
Qiu Ting
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Every August the 9th
I have participated in the National Day Parade before when I was in Secondary 1 as part of the choir. Hence, I know how tiring and time-consuming the practices will be. Yet, I decided to take this opportunity once again because I felt that it was really really worthwhile to be part of the show. I even missed being part of the choir once NDP was over and had always wanted another golden opportunity. Fortunately for me, I had another chance! And there was no way I was going to miss it! I must say that the training was tough, and that we had to practice many times so that our steps were precise and up to standard. Nevertheless, it was all worth it! Performing infront of a huge crowd was not easy for all of us. Yet, we all managed and presented a good show for everyone to see and be proud of. I really enjoyed it and am thankful that I had a second opportunity to be part of our show – Our National Day Parade.
Sakila Basheer~
Friday, January 9, 2009
Ndp Cheerleading To me...
Standing on that platform to perform, is one of the greatest moments I have. Seeing the huge crowd before me, hearing the roar of excitement as we run out from the opening, really gives me a great sense of achievement and satisfaction. Everything was worth it and it surely paid off. I have gained such a wonderful experience and I truly enjoyed cheerleading with my fellow team. Without NDP Cheerleading, I would not have the opportunity to perform for Singapore. Without NDP Cheerleading, I would not have gained those precious friendships.
It's all thanks to NDP Cheerleading that now, I truly enjoy Cheerleading.
I will definitely join NDP Cheerleading again(:
With Love,
Trudy Teh
Reflections (Intro)
1) the signficance of National Day Parade to you as a Singaporean student,
2) how the involvement in NDP has affected you (e.g. change in attitude, gain of new perspective)
3) how the NDP in general or your involvement in particular benefits the wider community
Thursday, January 8, 2009
NDP-The Memories The Meaning The Moment
NDP Cheerleading also brought much meaning to our lives , a sense of purpose , discipline , motivation and rootedness. All part and parcel of cheerleading especially so if done for your nation. Learning that everyone has to work in unison and practise their moves to great precision to make it a wonderful show which brings a special meaning in itself.
Lastly the moment that it all leads up to is extremely special, i would say the greatest sense of "high" one can naturally get infront of the crowds of thousands. When you have worked extremely hard for something to the very last detail , the endless weekends spent and afternoons sweating it was all worth it at the last moment. We all were trained to smile during the performance but we did it naturally that day , to put on a great show it was well worth all the effort.
NDP , i would gladly do it again.
Nixon Tan ( NDP Cheerleader)