Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Daryl's Reflection from 08S31

When I first saw the announcement for this cheerleading event, I immediately knew it was not the usual "cheerleaders" who help to lead the audience to sing and dance. It was something very new to me and I know that not everyone will have a chance to learn what the real cheerleading is. And since I have the opportunity to learn cheerleading, I signed up straight away.

After seeing so little people signed up, I was quite disappointed. Some of them left after the first briefing since they saw what are they going to wear on stage. I felt sad for them since not only the lost the chance to learn something new, they lost the chance to serve in a national event. It is a rare chance for me to perform in front of the whole nation. I was very proud of myself.

I looked forward to every session of training as I will get to go so much cool stuff. But at times I do feel very tired as the training ended quite late.

When our rehearsals shifted to the floating platform, I looked forward to every saturday even more. With all the new friends I made, I get to performed to different groups of people before the actual event. Even my parents came to see.

Cheerleading taught me about team spirit. In order for a formation to take place nicely, everyone must put in the effort to attend the trainings or rehearsals. Everyone in the group must know their steps very well so that nothing will go wrong. The power of a team is very strong if every individual plays their part.

I never regret taking part in this national event. It is my first time doing this and if I have the chance again, I will like to take part again.

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